” Some 45 years ago, my life was more than amazing. I was married to the girl I have always loved and we were leading a perfect life.

Those were the days when I was also the national marathon champion several times. Being in my mid-twenties, I was at the peak of my career as sportsman.

Years passed by and our lovely family kept growing until our fourth child was born. However by that time, many things began to change. Although the true love and feelings were still there, we used to fight a lot. It was a really difficult task for me to manage time for both my training sessions and my family. Disputes and silly arguments soon became an integral part of our daily routine and being someone hot-tempered, I could never give in.

If only I could go back in time….if only!”

Then came the day when my wife decided to walk out with my children and eventually, she petitioned for a divorce. Matters had degenerated so much that it was practically impossible to save the marriage. As one could imagine, these series of events quickly led to my downfall both as sportsman and as a human being. My passion for marathon was no longer there and my career drastically slowed down.

Today I’m 70 years old, but I feel that I’m still trapped in my past. Sometimes I prefer to spend the night underneath the sky because I genuinely feel that something is incomplete there in my house. I live a solitary life and I’m only breathing till I can. After my divorce, I never got married again. I do, from time to time get in touch with my children, who are now all adults. Unfortunately, life can never be like before, for the girl I have always loved is not by my side anymore. If only I could go back in time….if only!”


“45 an desela, mo lavi ti extra zoli. Mo ti marye avek tifi ki mo ti touletan anvi ek nou lavi ti parfe.

Osi, sa lepok-la, ase souvan mo ti pe fer sanpion nasional maraton. Omilie mo vintenn, mo dan somet mo karyer sportif.

Bann lane inn pase ek nou zoli ti fami ti pe grandi, ziska nou’nn gagn nou katriem zanfan. Selman, ariv sa lepok-la, plizier zafer inn koumans sanze. Mem si lamour ek santiman ti ankor la, nou ti pe gagn lager pli souvan. Sa ti pe koumans vinn pli difisil pou mwa zer mo letan ant mo lantrennman ek mo fami. Preske toulezour nou ti pe gagn diskision, ek telman mo ena enn tanperaman so, mo pa ti kapav pran perdi.


Si selment mo ti kapav retourn en arriere….si selment!


Lerla enn zour, mo madam inn desid pou kit lakaz avek bann zanfan, ek inn koumans bann demars pou divors. Telman nou relasion ti deteryore, li ti preske inposib sov nou maryaz. Kouma ou kapav imazine, tousa bann evennman-la inn rapidman ena enn lefe lor sportif ek imin ki mo ti ete. Mo ti nepli ena mem pasion pou maraton ek mo karyer inn tonbe enn sel kou.

Zordi, mo ena 70 az, me mo santi koumadir mo’nn res tase dan lepase. Parfwa mo prefer pas enn lanwit net deor à la belle étoile, parski mo gagn linpresion mank kiksoz dan mo lakaz. Mo viv enn lavi soliter, ek mo zis existe mo pa pe viv. Apre mo divors, mo pa’nn remarye. Detanzantan, mo koz ek mo bann zanfan, ki bann adilt zordi. Malerezman, lavi zame pa pou kapav revinn kouma avan, fam ki mo’nn kontan depi touletan nepli akote mwa. Si selman, mo ti kapav remont letan… si selman.”

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