“I have always been fascinated by racing, especially those involving motorcycles. I first sat on one when I was in 5th standard. At that time, little did I know that this engine would one day become my best companion. At fifteen years old, I started to go to college on my dad’s motorcycle. I also used to watch all the international races and soon, I became a fan of the multiple world MotoGP champion Valentino Rossi. I became so connected to racing that one day I made up my mind to become a racer.

My dad was obviously shocked when I confessed my aspirations to him. But he didn’t oppose. In fact, he was really supportive. Despite the fact that many relatives were discouraging him every single time, making reference that this does not suit the personality of a girl, my old man always stood for me. He even bought me a racing motorcycle, together with other equipment.

Some people could have given up, but I never even thought about it. 

Regarding my mum, she always feels anxious whenever I go racing. She is most of time praying for me. However, sometimes things do go wrong. For example, I spent 3 days in a hospital one day after injuring myself badly in a competition. Some people could have given up, but I never even thought about it. In fact, I understood that it’s all part of the game. I have won various motorcycle racing competitions and I am also the first girl in Mauritius to participate in one. Today, there are a few other girls who began to practise this sport. You should know that in Mauritius, the competitions are mixed, so boys and girls race together.

Maybe one day will come when I will have to stop racing to lead a normal life but I will still bring my contribution to racing in other possible ways. Until that time comes, I have more competitions to conquer. My only regret is that Mauritius doesn’t have a racing circuit and motorcycle racing is not yet seen as a proper sport as in other countries. Perhaps with time, this will come. I have put so much effort to reach where I am, but I still have a long way to go. And I will keep giving my all to reach other milestones.”


“Lakours inn touletan fasinn mwa, spesialman lakours moto. Mo ti dan sinkiem premie fwa mo’nn mont lor enn moto. Mo pa ti ankor kone, sa lepok-la, ki moter pou vinn mo larme sek pli tar. Laz kinz-an mo ti pe al kolez lor motosiklet mo papa. Osi, mo ti abitie get tou bann lakours internasional, ek ase rapidman, mo’nn vinn enn gran supporter Valentino Rossi, plisier fwa sanpion dimond MotoGP. Mo ti telman pasione par lakours moto, ki enn zour mo’nn deside ki mo pou vinn pilot.

Natirelman, mo papa ti soke kan mo’nn anons li mo bann lanbision. Me li pa’nn opoz li. Bien okontrer, li’nn soutenir mwa. Malgre lefet ki boukou nou bann fami ti pe dir bann parol dekourazan – pa enn zafer tifi sa – bolom-la inn touzour tini ferm pou mwa. Li’nn mem aster enn moto lakours ek lezot lekipman.


Ena dimounn ti pou fini abandone, me sa zame pa’nn pas dan mo latet. Okontrer, mo’nn konpran ki sa fer parti zwe-la.


Mo mama parkont ti touzour pran mo traka sak fwa mo ti ena lakours. Laplipar ditan li pe priye pou mwa. Selma, vremem parfwa ariv bann zafer danzere. Par exanp, mo deza pas trwa zour lopital apre ki mo’nn blese gravman dan enn konpetision. Ena dimounn ti pou fini abandone, me sa zame pa’nn pas dan mo latet. Okontrer, mo’nn konpran ki sa fer parti zwe-la. Mo’nn gagn plizier konpetision, e mo osi premie madam ki’nn partisipe. Zordi, ena inpe plis tifi ki pratik sa spor-la. Li inportan fer resorti ki dan Moris, bann konpetision mix, donk bann madam ek bann misie fer lakours ansam.

Kapav enn zour mo bizin aret fer lakours pou amenn enn lavi inpe pli normal, me mo pou touzour amenn mo kontribision dan lakours motosiklis, dan enn manier ou enn lot. Ziska ariv sa ler-la, mo ena ankor boukou konpetision pou fer. Mo sel regre se ki dan Moris pena enn sirkwi ek lakours motosiklis pankor konsidere kouma enn vre spor, kouma dan lezot pei. Kapav li pou vini avek letan. Mo’nn fer telman zefor pou ariv kot mo ete, me mo ena ankor boukou pou ale. Ek mo pou donn tou pou fransi bann lezot etap.

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