“I have always been intrigued and passionate about astrophotography, which is the photography of astronomical objects like galaxies, nebulae and dim stars. Luckily for me, a few years ago I was able to start enjoying what I love the most when I first bought my telescope.

Unlike normal or wildlife photography, the closest image that my camera captures is usually around 330,000 km away. The furthest something is in the galaxy, the most ancient it is. When a star dies, it explodes and ejects materials to form a planetary nebula and with the help of my modified camera, I am able to capture these. It is so fascinating!

For me, astrophotography is the perfect blend of art, science and technology.

The most difficult challenge in this type of photography is to capture the brightness in the images, which can vary from the brightest of stars to the faintest tendrils of gas in a nebula. But I am learning daily and am improving by doing lots of learning and research.

For me, astrophotography is the perfect blend of art, science and technology. It provides images which are invisible to the human eye and those same images convey thousands of words!”


“Mo ti touletan fasine ek pasione par astrolozi, ki koumadir fotografi bann obze astronomik kouma bann galaxi, bann nébuleuse, bann dim stars/zetwal nwar. Gramersi, de-trwa lane desela mo’nn resi fer seki mo kontan kan mo’nn aste mo teleskop.

Kontrerman a fotografi normal oubien fotografi zanimo, zimaz pli pre ki mo kamera kapav gagne li apepre 330,000 KM distans. Pli enn obze lwin dan galaxi, pli li ansien. Kan enn zetwal mor, li eklate ek li ezekte bann matier ki form enn nébuleuse planétaire, ek avek mo kamera modifie, mo kapav sezi sa moman-la. Li enn zafer extra fasinan.

Pou mwa, astrofotografi li enn melanz parfe ant lar, sians ek teknolozi.

Se ki pli difisil dan sa tip fotografi-la se kapte lalimier dan bann zimaz, li varye depi zetwal ki pli briye ziska tipti bout gaz ki ena dan enn nébuleuse. Me toule zour mo pe aprann, ek mo pe perfeksionn mo savwar atraver boukou resers.

Pou mwa, astrofotografi li enn melanz parfe ant lar, sians ek teknolozi. Li rann vizib seki avek nou sinp lizie nou pa kapav trouve. Sa bann zimaz-la vo mil mo.”

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