“It all happened some twenty years ago.  I was still a fireman at that time but I was off-duty on that day.  I was returning home to Souillac by bus after a tiring day of New Year’s shopping in Curepipe.  I was so exhausted that I dozed off during the journey.  Suddenly, the bus halted and people started shouting <<Accident! Accident!>>

I woke up and was startled.  At first, I thought the bus itself met with an accident.  But I quickly realised that actually, the accident involved a car hitting a tree outside.  Even though I was not on duty, I rushed off the bus to help the injured people.

I helped a couple evacuate the car.  I was so happy that they were not seriously injured and were safe.  I thought that the lady was coming to thank me but instead she asked me if I was able to save her child.  I was shocked and afraid as well because I couldn’t see any child in the vehicle.  In the meantime, another man who was passing by came to assist me.


 Even though I was not on duty, I rushed off the bus to help the injured people. 

We went back to the damaged vehicle and started to look everywhere.  After some minutes, we saw the child.  She was about one to two years old.  Do you know where we found her?  She was stuck underneath the brake pedal.  She was taken out from there but in all honesty, I thought she was dead.  Then I saw blood going in and out of her small nose.  I was relieved as I knew she was breathing.  The whole family was safe.

Today, although I’m not part of the fire services team anymore, I still have the reflex of a fireman.  This will stay with me forever and I will keep helping people as long as I have the strength to do so.”



Zistwar enn ponpye retrete



“Tou in arriver kelke vingt ans auparavan.  Mo ti enkor ene pompier sa lepok la mais mo pas ti pe travail sa zour la.  Mo ti pe retourn lacaz Souillac par bis depi Curepipe kot mo ti alle aster imper zafer pou laner.  Mo ti telment fatiguer ki mone gagne someille dans bis meme.  Ene cou, bis in arreter ek dimune ine kumense criyer <<aksidan! aksidan!>>

Mne lever ek mo ti shoker.  Dan ene premier temps, mone penser mo bis meme in fer aksidan.  Mai vite, mne trouver ki aksidan la ti dehor kot ene loto ine tap avec ene pied.  Mem mo pas ti pe travail kuma pompier sa zour la, mone galouper mone sorti depi bis pou alle aide sa ban dimunes blesser la.



Zordi, meme mo nepli fair parti lekip pompier, mo encore ena sa reflex ki ene pompier ena la.



Mone aide ene couple evacuer loto la.  Mo ti content ki zot pas ti severement blesser ek zot in saper.  Mone penser ki madame la ti pe vini pou remercier moi mais line kumense dimane moi si mone reussi sap so ti bebe.  Mo ti shocker ek mne peur ossi acoz mo pane trouv auken ti bebe dans loto la.  Entretemps, ene lot missier ki ti pe passer in areter ek in vini pou aide moi.

Nune retourne kot loto aksidanter la ek nune kumense rode partu.  Aprer imper minites, nune trouve sa ti zenfan la.  Ti ene ti tifi entre ene a deux ans.  Zot konner kot sa nune trouve li?  Li ti coincer emba patein freins.  Nune reussi tire li depi laba mais franchement, mo ti penser line mort.  Mais lerla mne trouve disang p rentrer sorti depi so ti nene.  Mo ti soulager parski mne realiser ki li ti p respirer.  Sa famille la entier ine saper.

Zordi, meme mo nepli fair parti lekip pompier, mo encore ena sa reflex ki ene pompier ena la.  Sa pou ress avec moi touletemps sa ek mo pou continier aide dimoune tant ki mo ena la force pou fer li.”


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