“As an early teenager, I used to sell lottery tickets in the streets of Curepipe. The daily struggle was tough. I have had many difficulties, yet I never gave up. My dream was to have my small shop in the town centre one day.

I have studied only till Standard Two, so you could say I’m practically illiterate! And as a trader, it is a must to be good with numbers. I have therefore used my own intelligence and experience to develop my counting skills.

I have therefore used my own intelligence and experience to develop my counting skills.

Years went by, and by the grace of God I was able to open my own shop. Everything was going on smoothly until one day the Municipality decided to demolish my place of work. I was compelled to move to this smaller place. I was devastated.

I’m still a bit affected by this, but I’ve been a fighter once and I will continue to be one…”


“Kan mo ti adolesan, mo ti pe vann biye lotri lor sime dan Kirpip. Li ti enn travay difisil toule zour. Mo’nn gagn boukou difikilte, me zame mo’nn bes lebra. Mo rev ti gagn enn ti laboutik pou mwa dan sant lavil enn zour.

Mo’nn al lekol ziska Segonn, donk kapav dir mo preske iletre! Ek antan ki komersan, li enn nesesite konn konte. Lerla, mo’nn servi mo lintelizans ek mo lexperyans pou devlop mo kapasite konte.


Mo’nn gagn boukou difikilte, me zame mo’nn bes lebra.


Bann lane inn pase, ek par lagras Bondie mo’nn resi ouver mo prop laboutik. Tou ti pe pas korek, ziska ki enn zour, Minisipalite desid pou kraz mo plas travay. Mo’nn oblize demenaze pou enn landrwa pli tipti. Mo ti aneanti.

Mo ankor inpe afekte par sa, me mo ti enn figther, ek mo pou res enn fighter.

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